Durant l’été, chaque dimanche GADLU.INFO vous propose un petit jeu !
Le principe : un fragment d’une image, d’une photo ….à vous de devinez de quoi il s’agit, d’où cela provient !
La Réponse ce soir
dune, is correct as to say as movie are northern polar cap it melting most do not understand the poler effects yet it the refection is misunderstood a gate way has open as a mason a builder can seen the incredible force is at are feet to benefit are world for the next 10-20 centuries embracing humanity if it unite
dune, is correct as to say as movie are northern polar cap it melting most do not understand the poler effects yet it the refection is misunderstood a gate way has open as a mason a builder can seen the incredible force is at are feet to benefit are world for the next 10-20 centuries embracing humanity if it unite
Le monument des droits de l’homme situé au champ de Mars à Paris.